US Biologic, Global Lyme Alliance, and Center for Lyme Action Celebrate Passage of Delaware Bill to Fight Ticks at the Animal Source
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — US Biologic, Inc., Global Lyme Alliance (GLA), and the Center for Lyme Action (CLA) celebrate today the passage of Delaware HB404 bill, “AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 3 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO LYME DISEASE”, which creates a Lyme and tick-borne disease intervention fund overseen by the Department of Agriculture and “shall have the goal of reducing the prevalence of Lyme disease and potential for contracting Lyme disease on State owned lands.” Further, the bill instructs the Department of Agriculture to “administer the fund with the goal of reducing the prevalence of Lyme disease, other tick-borne illnesses, and the animals known to carry Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses on State-owned lands in places people are likely to contract the disease.”
The bill, signed by Governor John Carney on October 23, 2024, was first introduced by Representative William J. Carson (DE House District 28) and, upon unanimous bipartisan approval by the Delaware House of Representatives, was introduced into the Delaware State Senate by Senator Kyle Evans Gay (Senate District 5), where it received similar unanimous bipartisan approval.
“Lyme is the number one vector-borne disease,” says Chris Przybyszewski, US Biologic President. “This bill by Representative Carson and Senator Gay, and as signed by Governor Carney, creates a tangible statewide commitment to fight back.” Przybyszewski notes that while human-based diagnostics and treatments are essential, “we must also address wildlife sources, primarily the transmission between white-footed mice and ticks. This aspect of the bill is critically important.”
Paul Ross, GLA Chairman, echoes this sentiment: “It’s crucial that we continue to expand resources to combat Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Delaware’s commitment to these efforts is commendable and should be celebrated by the entire community.”
“This is important leadership by Delaware and especially Delaware Lyme advocates, and it provides a roadmap for additional states to follow,” says Bonnie Crater, co-founder and board director of Center for Lyme Action. “We join US Biologic and GLA in commemorating this historic legislation.”
About US Biologic, Inc.
US Biologic, Inc. (www.usbiologic.com) “delivers disease prevention” by developing oral, thermostable, multi-species vaccines and biologics to fight the world’s greatest animal health and public health threats. We prioritize global collaboration, health equity, transparency, practical solutions, and a strong business plan. We are the creators of the LymeShield System (www.lymeshield.com), a revolutionary integrated tick-management program to fight Lyme Disease. US Biologic: Aspire. Innovate. Deliver.
About the Global Lyme Alliance
The Global Lyme Alliance (www.globallymealliance.org) is the leading nonprofit dedicated to conquering Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Our Mission: Cure Lyme and other tick-borne diseases through innovative research, awareness, and empowering the patient voice. Our vision: A world free of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.
About the Center for Lyme Action
The Center for Lyme Action (https://centerforlymeaction.org) is a 501c4 dedicated to growing federal funding for Lyme and tickborne conditions in an effort to find cures — especially for Lyme patients with persistent, debilitating symptoms.