Amazing, Innovative One Health Oriented Company
“US Biologic is a biotechnology product commercialization company producing orally delivered vaccines. The company has developed a Lyme disease vaccine and is working on a chewable flu vaccine, which US Biologic indicates can be reformulated for multiple species. Its LymeShield System, including an oral wildlife vaccine, has already launched.”
The One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team notes a prime example of a company that epitomizes how implementing the One Health concept/approach can and “… will help protect and/or save untold millions of lives in our generation and for those to come.”
Please see US Biologic’s website and the following added background information below:
- www.USBiologic.com – Provides a good overview of their integrated One Health disease prevention strategy for animals, humans, and public health.
- www.LymeShield.com – Provides a good One Health example of their current USDA-approved LymeShield System focused on addressing Lyme disease at the source (the white-footed mouse reservoir) to reduce the level of Lyme bacteria in the environment. Specifically, it is for immunizing the reservoir host to prevent Lyme Disease, a zoonotic disease of humans
- www.OrisBio.com – Provides a good overview of their oral delivery platform to address expanded disease prevention in multiple species.